Blog Master G

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Early Spring

Monday, February 7th, 2005 · No Comments

With temperatures in the toasty 30s-40s the past few days, we’ve been getting an early taste of spring here in Saratoga Springs. Much of the snow has melted and our back yard is a bit soupy.

Despite having missed Chowderfest this year (one of our favorite winter events from 2004), Jen and I had what was probably the busiest weekend in quite some time.

We started the weekend in Albany Friday night with dinner and cards at Alex and Cati’s place. I got my ass kicked at poker and hearts, as usual. I think I was the first loser in both games.

I spent Saturday day doing GAC administrative work (spreadsheets, accounting, etc.) and upgrading my site and others hosted by me to MT 3.15.

The main event of the weekend was Saturday’s annual black-tie gala held by Jen’s company at the Hall of Springs, a beautiful 1930s-era building in Saratoga State Park. The prom-like event gave me an excuse to wear my tux for the first time since our wedding. We even got a complimentary prom-like photo (not yet in digital form, otherwise I’d share it here). The event was great fun, with delicious food, desserts, and drinks galore. We left the car in the park and got a ride home from Anne and Tom.

Sunday was another gorgeous day with plenty of sunshine. After breakfast, I rode my bike the 3.7 miles back to the Hall of Springs to retrieve the car. Craving more sunshine and driving, I returned home for Jen and the dogs, then we headed to Saratoga Lake to walk around on the lake (yes, on the lake, much like last year’s lake driving).

We returned home for some various projects around the house, including getting a start on our taxes (oh what fun!) and some work on moving my blog’s back end into a more reliable setup. The DVD cabinet opened its left door by itself, something that neither Jen or I did, and would have been impossible for the dogs to do. Ghost aside, I still can’t figure that one out.

We capped off the weekend last night by joining Nat at his place for homemade sushi (thanks, Nat’s mom!), fruit galore, and some pug action. The pugs, Ducati and Walter, are a riot. They’re a lot like Stella and Happy, respectively. Walter is always on the go, nipping at Ducati’s heels and wanting to play; Ducati just wants to chill out.

The Super Bowl was pretty exciting, too, especially in the final seconds. The commercials were a disappointment, though, with only a single funny commercial (the guy with the cat and the sauce in the kitchen)… fuckin’ FCC… Janet shows a little nipple and suddenly all the edginess and humor are gone. Paul McCartney’s half-time show was excellent.

Tags: weekends