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Gas Prices

Tuesday, April 12th, 2005 · No Comments

sf_gas.jpg With gas prices on the constant rise, one good thing about not living in San Francisco anymore is not having to pay $3.19 per gallon for supreme, the good stuff my WRX needs. Here in Saratoga Springs, gas is around $2.59 a gallon for higher octane (93 on this coast vs. 91 in SF).

As I’ve written in the past, I think rising gas prices are a good thing. Folks who are smart and responsible enough to drive a Prius won’t feel the pain, but those who feel the need to drive the biggest and baddest SUV on the block will pay for it at the pump.

And most people probably don’t realize just how good we have it — in a global sense (as with most of our other “only in America” comforts in life). Our gas prices are nothing compared to those in places around the world like the Netherlands ($6.48 per gallon), Norway ($6.27 per gallon), and Italy ($5.96 per gallon).

There’s a reason why most of the cars in Italy don’t look like suburban assault vehicles.

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Thanks to Zak from Algeria for his kind words and hoping that I will “live in peace and have 10 childrens beautifuls like u and ur wife.”

Tags: the world