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Weekend Recap

Monday, June 27th, 2005 · No Comments

Friday night Karen, Joti, Sue, Josh, and baby Seamus came over for a BBQ to kick off the action-packed weekend with more 90+ scorching temperatures. We spent a good deal of time on the porch, but dined inside with the air conditioning.

Saturday morning we lounged around some more on the porch before heading to Albany to go suit shopping for me. (We’re going to four weddings this summer, and I needed something to wear besides the usual slacks with shirt and tie.) Before Saturday I only owned one suit, which I’ve had since 1996 or so (my tuxedo notwithstanding). There was a second suit in my wardrobe if you count the Miami Vice suit that I wore to my first post-college job interview and that Jen recently made me get rid of. But now I have another one — it’s simple and black and came with an extra pair of gray slacks so I can work the mix ‘n match. After returning home, we basked in the A/C before heading to dinner and games at Tom and Anne’s place.

Yesterday afternoon was Jen’s company picnic at the Great Escape. We got our fill of free food and beer, then hit the Northway to get away from the crowds and the heat. Last night we watched in disbelief this strange TLC documentary on Richard Sandrak, “The World’s Strongest Boy,” also known as Little Hercules. Stranger still was the couple inspired by the mini-body builder who camped out in front of his house, took photos with him, and decided to change their lifestyle thanks to the 11-year-old kid with unnaturally large muscles.

Tags: weekends