Blog Master G

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Becoming a Regular

Thursday, August 4th, 2005 · 1 Comment

Twice in the past week I’ve officially become a regular. First, Saturday night following the Petty concert we went to local favorite pizza place Pope’s to pick up a pie. As he handed me the pizza, the guy who had cooked it exclaimed, “Hey! I know you. How are ya?” I suspect that during this time of year when town is jam-packed with tourists he appreciated seeing a familiar face.

Last night the plan was to take advantage of our local video store’s “Twenty-Four Dollar Dinner Date,” which includes two five-day new release movie rentals, a bottle of wine ($9.99 or less), and dinner for two at Pepper’s deli. We got the movies and wine but had to switch plans and hit our favorite Chinese food place when we realized that Pepper’s was closed. Without even having to ask, our server brought me spicy mustard and chili pepper sauce, which I’ve requested consistently every time we’ve gone. Her tip increased.

It’s a nice feeling knowing you’re becoming a member of the community.

Tags: saratoga springs

1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Jonty Yamisha // Aug 4, 2005 at 10:11 am

    I have this image in my mind of Gabe walking into the Chinese place, taking a stool at his usual table, and everyone screaming “GABE” (think “NORM!” ala Cheers) and raising their chop sticks.

    Actually, the image in my head is more like the cast of Fox’s “The Family Guy”. Hey, Gabe, is there a bar called “The Happy Clam” in your town?

    …. so the mail man, oh, he’s great. He actually sorts through my mail before giving it to me so I don’t have to waste time weeding out the junk mail.

    ….oh, and the garbage guy… he’s got a key to my house. He quietly lets himself in, removes my garbage for me, and leaves a little chocolate on my kitchen table, after making Jen and I some coffee in the morning. Did I mention he also sorts my trash so as to remove the recyclables?

    I love the fact that you love your home town, Gabe. You give Joe Dirt a run for his money with his own love affair with Silver Springs. =)
