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Weekend Recap

Monday, August 8th, 2005 · No Comments

Friday night we had a little BBQ with my dad and mother-in-law, followed by an ass-kicking by the ladies in Trivial Pursuit. Saturday we took it easy in the afternoon before heading to Albany to meet up with Alex and Cati for War of the Worlds (a plotless let-down) and drinks on the town at the Wine Bar, Hollywood, and Lionheart.

Big congrats to Alex and Cati on their recent engagement!

Yesterday we grilled our remaining salmon, then Jen high-tailed it to Kinderhook while I partied with the guys and Rachel at Justin’s place. Ken and I started a new game of Elfin Dressup. That game has endless play value.

I’ve been a bit sniffly and sneezy since yesterday. I haven’t really had to deal with allergies too much in recent years, though I do notice it when the seasons change. It’s a bit too early for fall, so who knows wassup now. Hopefully I’m not getting sick.

I shed a few tears this morning to read of Peter Jennings’ passing, whose bio reads like a modern world history. His death struck a chord with me not so much because I was the biggest Jennings fan — though I certainly respected and appreciated him and his work — but because he was an old school newsman who died of lung cancer, as did Nana. I know that Nana really liked him.

Tags: weekends