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Travers Coke

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2005 · 1 Comment

You know the 136th running of the Travers is just around the corner when your local supermarket has Travers Coke bottles in stock (thanks, Dad!).

The new version of Google Desktop is a big improvement over the last. I really dig the photo slideshow feature, which cycles through pictures you forgot you had on your computer, like this titillating one from May 18, 2003 Bay to Breakers, which showed up yesterday.

Google speeds searches on PCs / Free Desktop 2 personalizes Internet surfing

Three years ago today I joined the 1-Gallon Blood Donation Club. I need to give blood more often; I haven’t done so in a while. Damn, I could be up to a couple gallons by now. That’s my mission for today — to make an appointment to donate blood.

Tags: saratoga springs

1 response so far ↓

  • 1 sdcrawford // Aug 23, 2005 at 1:31 pm

    Let me know if the blood collector asks you this question: Are you know or have you ever been a woman? I’m not sure what the correct answer is for this one but they let Jane give blood when she answered “yes”. Who are they trying to screen out with that question?