Blog Master G

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Thursday, October 6th, 2005 · No Comments

It’s not often that a movie at the top of the box office two weeks running and getting great reviews can live up to its hype. But Flightplan does just that. The plane-based thriller had me tense throughout and really felt like being on a plane. The story was told so well that not only was it like being there, but the emotional rollercoaster of Jodie Foster’s character was tangible and very real. Just when you start to share her anxiety of losing her daughter and empathize with her, you gradually feel your social instincts kicking in and you side with the crew and passengers, who suspect her of being crazy when her daughter vanishes and no one remembers having seen her. I won’t spoil anything here, but Flightplan is one thriller worth taking for a ride.

It was around this time last year when we were in the final stretch of production for 100 Faces of Marin, turned on our heater for the first time of the season, and really started to see the leaves come down. Our front yard looks a bit like this again now, but it’s not quite as cold yet; we haven’t had to turn on the heater just yet or remove the AC from our bedroom window. The frogometer outside my office window — the lesser known companion to the treemometer — shows just under 60 degrees this morning.

Bill Murray (fellow Capital region resident, I suspect, and not the actor, although Jen and I did walk right past the actor in Oakland airport last month on our way home from our last SF Trip) recently commented here about the upcoming mayoral election here in Saratoga Springs, which will pit political newcomer Valerie Keehn against Republican incumbent Michael Lenz. Keehn won the Democratic primary last month in the city’s first such election, is backed by New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, and has a son named Gabriel. So really, she must be cool if she has such good taste in names. All that and she plans to “engage and unite citizens in our government; promote planned, deliberate and balanced growth; and will work to preserve and enhance our quality of life.” Sounds good to me. I’m sure I’ll comment more on the election and Keehn’s campaign when I’ve had a chance to meet her and/or attend some of her upcoming events (yes, Saratoga is really that small that one can plan to meet a mayoral candidate before casting a ballot).

Tags: movies