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Democratic Sweep!

Tuesday, November 8th, 2005 · 1 Comment

Congratulations to all the Democratic candidates for City Council and Board of Supervisors, who swept the election tonight! Each of the candidates I endorsed this morning won his or her seat. Congrats one and all!

My hands are sore from all the clapping at the Democratic Party HQ tonight at the Inn at Saratoga. From the first precinct through the 25th to report (District 19), the packed room clapped and clapped. We won it all. It was an exciting evening to be a Democrat. I was proud to be there and feel good about having done my part to help all the candidates win. It was my first time attending a celebration where the results were coming in live. They were literally run in through the door and typed into an Excel spreadsheet by a man at a laptop connected to an overhead projector. It was very cool to see democracy in action.

My endorsements are now the official results:

Mayor: Valerie Keehn
Accounts Commissioner: John Franck
Finance Commissioner: Matt McCabe
Public Works Commissioner: Tom McTygue
Public Safety Commissioner: Ron Kim
County Supervisors: Joanne Yepsen & Cheryl Keyrouze

Congrats, Val, John, Matt, Tom, Ron, Joanne, and Cheryl! I’m sure you’ll continue to make us all proud.

I was interviewed briefly at the event by Saratogian reporter Thomas Dimopoulos, who recognized me from my blog, so stay tuned for a link to the story… maybe I’ll even be quoted.

Tags: saratoga springs

1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Anonymous // Nov 9, 2005 at 2:47 am

    I think I speak for a lot of people when I say “holy crap!” It’s not that I’m against the Dems winning — it’s just that I thought they had a snowball’s chance. I figured that Klein/Scirocco, Britt and Lenz, at least, had it locked up.