Blog Master G

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“Prolific Blogger”

Friday, November 11th, 2005 · 1 Comment

It all started a couple weeks ago. First I appeared as a small speck in a couple photos in the Saratogian and had my hand and mug featured briefly on the local ABC station, along with Jen and my Dad, when we walked in a peace vigil to honor of the 2,000 American troops killed in Iraq. Next it was the back of my head, along with Justin and Ken, featured in the Go section of the Post Star. Next, Jen appeared on the front page of the Post Star, just a few days ago.

Today, the trend continues. On the front page of the Life section of today’s Saratogian (section C), you’ll see me mentioned and quoted in Thomas Dimopoulos’ column:

Political parties are polls apart as votes come in / A half-mile of city separated them at sundown Tuesday afternoon:

Across the street, at the Inn at Saratoga, the Democrats gathered. Hank Kuczynski looked like the most relaxed man in the room. ‘After you immerse yourself in the meat grinder, then you’re away from it, you get a different perspective,’ he explained.

A few feet away, Gabe, a prolific blogger, was attending his first local political campaign since relocating here less than two years ago.

‘I’m here to support the party, and the change in leadership,’ said A_nderson, who had earlier offered his selection of seven candidates at He went seven-for-seven on the night.

A couple years ago after I was quoted in Wired, someone referred to me as a semi-famous blogger. And now I’m prolific. Not bad. Of course, I’ve also been told that my blog is “pretty bland,” so I suppose it goes both ways.

Thanks, Thomas, for the reference! I enjoyed your column.

In other news, it’s a beautiful day this morning, but we had our first hint of winter yesterday, when the first snow of the season briefly appeared (almost exactly the same day as the first snow last year). Bring on the snow! I love the white stuff.

Tags: saratoga springs

1 response so far ↓

  • 1 suzanne // Nov 11, 2005 at 11:28 am

    Your fame is very Zelig-esque.