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SSPF Plaque: c. 1926

Tuesday, January 31st, 2006 · 2 Comments

There’s a new historic house on the block, and now we have the plaque to prove it. As I wrote about earlier this month, we finally got around to sending in the application for our Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation historic plaque. They approved our application and cast the bronze in no time, as I got a call yesterday that the plaque was ready to go. It’s beautiful and heavy and sturdy and makes me smile, knowing that our house is now officially a part of local history. Jen and I soon plan to have a plaque-mounting ceremony. I actually had a dream about it last night. I guess I’m pretty excited about the whole thing.

c. 1926

Adding to the uniqueness and mystery of our plaque and house is that we have the little c. before the date — as in, “circa 1926,” since nobody really knows for sure that that’s the year the house was built. As I wrote in that last post, research suggests there was another structure here in 1925, which was replaced by our house by 1926. Not all the plaques get that mysterious “c.” The other houses on our street with plaques are more definitive in proclaiming their years of construction (1947 and another 1926).

Tags: saratoga springs

2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 megan // Feb 1, 2006 at 11:46 am

    I have warm fuzzies about your historic home – yay!

  • 2 Jack // Feb 17, 2006 at 10:56 am

    Wow, the plaque is beautiful! Great going on the research and application! When whole neighborhoods and Cities do this kind of recognition of their history, the value of the environment is greatly enhanced so that future generations can learn and appreciate our rich history!