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Me LLamo Gabe

Thursday, March 2nd, 2006 · 4 Comments

Como te llamas? Como estas? Me llamo Gabriel. Bien, gracias. y tu?

Foreign languages have never been my forte (a bit of German here, some Latin there), but I bit the bullet last night and began my great seven-week adventure in Spanish for Beginners through the Saratoga Springs Continuing Education Program. The class was pretty funny; I’m the only man in it. The teacher is great — full of energy and exuding happiness. Our first night seemed a bit scattered — some phrases here, some verbs there, some BINGO at the end of class, and sombreros — but I’m sure it will get more focused as the weeks go on.

I’m taking the class in anticipation of our trip to Mallorca this summer for the wedding of Alex and Cati. Muy bien!

Tags: anecdotes

4 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Jordan // Mar 2, 2006 at 7:08 pm

    ¡Espero ver los blogs futuros en Español!

  • 2 Dave // Mar 3, 2006 at 2:14 am

    Y necesitamos más ads de Google en español. Porque … ¡Si no es español, es crap!

  • 3 Joe V. // Mar 3, 2006 at 11:41 am

    The fastest and best way to learn Spanish (this is how I did it) is to use home-made flash cards. Buy a pack of ruled 3X5 cards at CVS, grab a sharpie, and look around you. Put down everything you see (chair/silla; table/mesa; book/libro; etc.) with English on one side and Spanish on the other. Also do COMMON action verbs (infinitive only). Run/correr; eat/comer; drink/beber; etc. Do this in all the rooms of your house.

    Now, start going through them, English side first. If you get the Spanish word right, put the card in one pile. If you get it wrong, recycle it to the back of the deck and keep going. When you have all the cards in the pile and not in your hand, turn them over and start again, Spanish first this time.

    In no time your vocabulary will triple.

    ¡Que tengas suerte!

  • 4 Bill & Connie Rempe // Mar 3, 2006 at 2:24 pm

    ¡Usted está aprendiendo hablar español Gabe! Eso es bueno. Hablo solamente un poco. Mucha gente aquí en la Florida habla español. No puedo escribir una palabra de ella así que utilizo este translater en línea. Sé que está engañando.

    Recuerdos, Guillermo y Connie