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Kinderhook Hostage Crisis

Tuesday, March 28th, 2006 · No Comments

Nothing ever happens in my wife’s small hometown of Kinderhook, NY, where there are more cows than people. So when a man entered a real estate office and took the employees hostage yesterday afternoon, it was big news. We heard about the standoff with police via the Kinderhook News Network (my mother-in-law) before the story even hit the wires. Fortunately, the man, who was drinking beer during the standoff — if you’re gonna go down ya may as well be wasted — let the hostages go and no one was hurt. And it turns out he didn’t even have a gun. See? Nothing happens in Kinderhook. But this time, that’s a good thing.

Standoff ends with surrender / Resident attempted to take hostages inside Kinderhook realty office, cops said

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