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11 Pints in 11 Years

Wednesday, April 26th, 2006 · No Comments

Yesterday I was walking the dogs past a local church and saw a sign that the Red Cross was there doing a blood drive. Since I’d been meaning to give blood for quite some time now, I figured there was no time like the present. So I dropped the dogs off at home and returned to donate a pint of my A positive goodness. It had been nearly 3 years since the last time (#10). Around the ninth time donating, I was on a streak, donating once every few months (you can donate a maximum of once every 56 days). I joined the 1-gallon club in August 2002 and am now only five pints away from hitting the 2-gallon mark, my new goal.

I want to make more of an effort to donate regularly. I normally feel fine during and after donating. Yesterday I felt only slightly light-headed and a bit queasy, but I suspect it’s because the nurse helping me told me to roll the squeezing thing instead of squeeze the squeezing thing, so my blood took longer than usual to drain. Another nurse stopped by and told me to mix in a squeeze with my rolls. Then it was over before long and I was on my way to recovery.

Donating blood is a feel-good, easy, and very important way to give back to those in need in our communities — and to help save lives.

I’ve marked my calendar for June 20, when I’ll next be eligible to donate again.

Tags: anecdotes