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Belated Weekend Recap

Wednesday, May 3rd, 2006 · 1 Comment

It was around this time last year that I was fighting a weeklong cold. Luckily, I haven’t had the same cold fall on me this year, but have been feeling a bit run down and out of sorts the past week or so. Not so much in a funk — that’s too strong a word — but not sleeping well (hot, cold, sweating, seeing strange visions in the night), and otherwise just not able to focus too clearly. Maybe I need more exercise or more sleep. I don’t know. It’s certainly not for a lack of boredom; we always have plenty of stuff going on.

I worked Friday night, so nothing of public interest to report from that night. Saturday we trucked it down to Colonie to meet up with Alex and Cati — out cruising on their bikes (not the pedaling kind) on that beautifuly, sunshiny day — for a delicious and authentic Indian buffet at Karavali (spelling and exact location are a mystery to most). But for the record (mine and the public’s), here’s their address & phone number: 98 Johnson Road / 518.785.7600.

We spent the afternoon soaking up the sun in Justin’s backyard; he and I enjoyed some drinks while Jen did some contract work (and smooched Isaac). We then headed back to our house for a bit — Seed of Chucky happened to be on cable, so we enjoyed some laughs at that most ridculous of films — before playing some ponies at the Racino and capping the evening with an awesome dinner and margaritas at Leon’s, the best Mexican restaurant in the Northeast (to my knowledge). Our pal Filiberto Leon and his restaurant happen to be profiled on the front page of today’s Saratogian Life section: Leon living a lifelong dream.

Random fact: I have 458 uploads in my Sprint PCS photo account. Maybe I do need to get more serious about the possibility of upgrading my camera phone to something like the Samsung MM-A800, which I mentioned a couple months ago. The 2.0 MP camera phone would come in especially handy when Jen and I go on separate trips and both need cameras for our adventures.

Last night we went to a lecture at Skidmore featuring The Nation writer Bill Greider. The title of his talk was “The Conservative Crack-Up,” in which he explored some pretty excellent, though radical ideas about eliminating the national deficit (put a freeze on global imports), establishing a national pension program (required contribution for all Americans, similar to TIAA-CREF), and worker-owned companies (giving the power back to the producers of goods). The last talk we saw at Skidmore was in July last year when Joyce Carol Oates came to town. It’s fun to live in a cultural mecca.

Tags: weekends

1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Nat // May 3, 2006 at 1:59 pm


    That is way too long for you to be away from campus. You’re telling me you missed Mo Rocca and Bob Saget?

    Haha – hope to see you guys soon.