Stop the presses! My good friend Justin Wilcox now has a blog (but the photo to your left is not Justin’s blog, of course, but me on my other good friend Alex‘s V-Rod). And he’s been posting fairly consistently for more than a week now, which is longer than many new bloggers make it, so I have faith in him. Welcome to the world of blogging, Justin, and keep up the good work!
Attention Vassar alums: Do you have a recipe that’s meaningful to you that you’d like to share with the world? The Vassar Club of Chicago is working on a cookbook called “Cornaro Cuisine, a Vassar cookbook with a liberal arts flavor,” and wants to hear from you! And it doesn’t have to be only a recipe. It can be any of these things:
- Share a favorite family recipe
- Share an interesting/funny/touching story related to food from your years at Vassar
- Submit something about the relationship of food to their area of professional expertise (like Elinor Pearlstein ’73, Associate Curator of Chinese Art at the The Art Institute of Chicago, wrote a short two paragraphs about the representation of Food in Chinese art)
If you’re interested, let me know and I’ll pass along your message to the right folks.
Saturday night we saw the Da Vinci Code. It was terrible and an insult to its audience. I did not read the book, and the movie does not encourage me to do so. It’s one of those movies that has no faith in its audience, appeals to the lowest common denominators, and cuts to those scenes that explain the painfully obvious (How did they get from the plane to the car? I know! Maybe they walked! What a concept! But you’d better spell it out for me just in case I really couldn’t have figured that out). Signs is another movie that made me mad like that, too.
Luckily my anger caused by the Da Vinci Code subsided on Sunday afternoon when Cati cooked up some delicious homemade paella — with a bit of coaching by her grandmother in Spain — and invited us to help eat it. We soaked in the rays in Alex and Cati’s backyard on the unusually sunny day — it’s been so rainy lately — and the afternoon picnic lasted until nearly midnight, featuring some late-night Hearts action and delicious strawberry-banana-yogurt-rum smoothies that Alex blended up. My face is tomato-red after spending a day in the sun (unlike in Vegas, I didn’t think to wear sunscreen).
View Alex’s photos (added 8.2.2006)
Saturday we spent most of the day relaxing to recover from the Vegas trip, but also doing a hell of a lot of yardwork, including the twice or so per year trimming of the hedges that run around our front yard and southern side of our property.
Finally, is it just me or has Gmail gotten slower lately?
1 response so far ↓
1 Nat // Jun 14, 2006 at 3:25 pm
I thought the movie was “entertaining”- but I’m not a very good movie critic.
Is that you on a V-rod? No blog about Americade?