This summer’s been so insanely fun and busy that there’s barely time to breathe or sleep, let alone write about anything that’s happened. But tonight I’m doing my best to prepare the photos and recap the past two weekends. I already did a brief commentary of last weekend in this post, so the rest of the story will be told through photos (and the comments therein!).
Last weekend: Dubbing of Gabe and Jen as honorary Spaniards by Cati following dinner at Alex and Cati’s pad (and before Devil Wears Prada). Track with the Wilcox clan. Dinner with Matt and Dana. Breakfast at the track, then betting at the track with Matt and Dana and Dad.
Friday night 8/4 with Alex & Cati
Saturday 8/5 track, pizza dinner, Phillies
Sunday 8/6 track with Dad, Matt, Dana