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A Hacksaw & A Dream

Saturday, August 19th, 2006 · No Comments

The joys of home ownership never seem to end. Last week while cleaning the entire house before Jen got home from work (mission accomplished), I bumped the vacuum cleaner into the U-ring pipe in our upstairs bathroom sink. It was just enough of a nudge to open up a crack that had obviously been in the works for some time. Leakage here we come! Bring on the duct tape. I taped up the shizz and threw the garbage can under the drainage pipe to catch any drippage. The MacGyver method worked just fine as a holdover until today, when it was time to dive into my latest home owner project: replacing the pipes under on our 1930s/1940s Crane Drexel sink.

It was my first time taking on a plumbing project of such magnitude — owning an 80-year-old home will help you learn things quickly — and I’m now grinning with satisfaction at my successful completion. My arms ache and I’m sweaty, but proud.

The hardest part? Using my new hacksaw to cut two of the pipes to the correct lengths for all components to fit together properly. And I didn’t even hack off any thumbs or fingers in the process (a real risk when a technology guy tries to use tools that don’t require installation or activation).

But it was well worth it. Now we have a new drainage system. The best part? It doesn’t even leak, believe it or not.


The sink pipes: Before

The sink repair: The tools


The sink pipes: After

Tags: home ownership