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Halloween in Albany

Monday, October 23rd, 2006 · 2 Comments

If you’re ever invited to a Halloween party that’s not officially a costume party, what do you do?

    A) Wear your street rags and show up like it’s any other party.
    B) Ask the host and hostess if it’s OK to wear a costume.
    C) Wear a costume, get 8 of your homies to dress up, bring along 2 costumes for the host and hostess to wear, and load up the party van 9 deep to bring the costume party with you.

The answer should be clear: C, of course.

And option C is exactly what happened Saturday night for a rockin’ good time in Albany at Alex and Cati’s pad. The host and hostess were pirates, the wigs were in abundance, and the Saratoga party van was chock-full of the Halloween spirit: Vamptessa (Jen), H.I. and Edwina ‘Ed’ McDunnough (Hugh and Jami), Cati (Sarah), Alex (Eric), Angel Girl (Alexis), Pocahontas (Kara), Disco Guy (Justin), and the Ninja (yours truly). The party van was so full that the rear end scraped on our way out of the driveway.

Little did we know that there would be at least twice as many people at the party that night — not in costume — but the members of the party van didn’t care. We owned our alter egos and partied the night away. Big thanks to Alex and Cati for the great drinks, delicious food, and natural hospitality! And to Jen for navigating the party van safely home. You guys rock.






View all Halloween in Albany photos on Flickr

By the way, there are some additional photos from Saturday night that aren’t fit for public consumption, so if you want the full batch and know me, drop me a line for the link.

Tags: photos

2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 jen a. // Oct 24, 2006 at 10:18 am

    woohoo! big thank you to AleCat, that was a supercrazyfun evening: great friends + amazing spread of food + lots of laughs + mullet wig = recipe for an awesome partay!

  • 2 Alex // Oct 29, 2006 at 9:30 pm

    Wow, Thanks ‘Toga people for coming and upping the coolness factor at our party about 2415236532544423 times.