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To Nana

Thursday, March 8th, 2007 · 1 Comment

It was five years ago today when Nana left this earth. For the fifth year in a row, I blog in her honor today. She touched so many lives, and the essence of her being lives on.

We had some friends over tonight — one, who, like Nana was, is a Leo — and I was talking about Nana, remembering her and her house.

Tonight we had this delicious goat cheese and fig spread. So it reminded me of Nana and how she had a fig tree in her backyard in Sacramento. As a kid, I didn’t know what quite to make of the strange purple fruit. But it intrigued me. I remember walking around that tree, staring at the ground and looking for fallen figs. For some reason, I liked to look at them on the ground. And then I would look for figs still on the tree. The purple fuzzy fruit. So unique. Just like Nana.

Also in her yard was the apricot tree. I liked to use that tree to get onto the roof. Then sit on the roof and eat apricots. Those were my favorite fruits in the yard. And the giant cherry tree. And the orange tree. I remember when the orange tree was brand new. We also had a swing set in that yard. Eventually the orange tree overtook the swing set. So the swing set had to go. Then there was the tree that was half pear and half apple. It had somehow fused at the base. So it created these delicious and unique fruits.

So here’s to Nana. And here’s to life.

Here’s to friends. And here’s to family.

Life is wonderful and the fruits it bears are delicious. So enjoy every one. I know Nana did.

Tags: anecdotes

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