Blog Master G

Word. And photos, too.

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He Blogs!

Saturday, April 14th, 2007 · No Comments

Woah. A new blog from Gabe. Can you believe it?

Blog Master G was offline for a couple days while I migrated Web hosts (again). I was doing the ol’ redirect to the American Forests: Plant Trees site, which worried many of you (oops, he did it again!). But fear not. I am here.

I think this hiatus from blogging since my last post on March 20 may officially be the longest one of my 7-year blogging career. There are a few explanations, but I won’t bore you with the details.

So I’m back with my old Web host (TCH) after having this site with the horrible Media Temple for a while. They charge way too much (20 bucks per month), have constant problems, and terrible customer support (and I know a thing or two about how support should work). Those things combined with the fact that I already pay TCH a monthly fee for my reselling business anyway translated into “Why the hell should I pay two Web hosts when I already have Web space that I’m already paying for?” And it seems, since I am writing this and you are (presumably) reading it, that I’ve successfully migrated all my content and blog database back to my old host (where a lot of the content never left anyway; it was just associated with a different domain).

So it goes.

Speaking of which, I was saddened to learn the other day that my favorite author, Kurt Vonnegut, passed away. If you’ve never read Slaughterhouse Five, you really should. That’s my favorite book.

Last night was a really fun post-auction Steeplechasers party. I took a few photos and will maybe even post them here soon. I know I’ve been a big slacker on the blog front, so I don’t want to make too many promises.

I did deliver on my original blog backlog list in December 2006, but I never (haven’t yet?) crossed a single item off my backlog list part deux from January. But hey, at least I have the list. And the photos in my own private collection.

Enough rambling.

Tags: blogging