Living the American dream, we spent (the first part of) our 4th of July on our porch (before heading to Matt & Dana’s for a BBQ), reviewing and learning how to tie various sailing knots, such as the bowline, the figure 8, and a number of other knots kindly provided by Grog.
Back in the day I was certified by the American Red Cross to sail small boats like lasers and hobie cats (I don’t think my certification ever expired, either!), and I used to love sailing them at the CSUS Aquatic Center‘s aquatic summer camp and beyond. I think the chicks dug my skills.

Now Patricia’s the sailor in training (on a racing sail boat, no less), and was recently featured on

1 response so far ↓
1 Dan // Jul 11, 2007 at 7:22 pm
I’m back, and you’ve been tagged. Go to my blog at for rules.