Big thanks to Renée and Jason for hosting a great Oktoberfest beer tasting at their place in Troy yesterday (yes, I’m blogging about a current event!). Jen, Patricia, and I cruised to riverfront Troy with 6-packs chilling in our cooler. Jen and I brought Mendocino Brewing Company Oktoberfest (brewed at our very own Olde Saratoga Brewery), and P-Oz brought Paulaner’s new Oktoberfest-Märzen — both excellent beers.
Beers were rated using the informal homies rating system — if you like a beer, place one or two homies, drawn from a big bowl of homies, into a cup in front of the beer; if you don’t like a beer, don’t give it any homies. I liked most of the beers and gave pretty much all of them a single homie shout out. The only beer I didn’t grace with a homie was the Saranac. I don’t think anyone else liked it, either. Jen, P-Oz, and I also had fun pairing up homies that made good couples and photographing the hookups.
View more photos above, in Pictobrowser, or on Flickr
It was a fun event and cool meeting some new people. Oh yeah, and I was that guy who ate the last piece of cheese.
After the beer tasting, P-Oz and I talked Jen into putting off studying until today, and instead hitting the brewery with us. Anne and Tom met up with us, too, and we played a mean round of Uno while enjoying the brew (after Jen kicked mine and P-Oz’s asses in a rapid-fire round of Set).

Jen and I called it a night with a midnight snack run to Hannaford, where we fed our mutual french fry craving by hitting the frozen natural food section and collecting this stash of goods.
2 responses so far ↓
1 Ben Lowery // Oct 2, 2007 at 8:59 pm
Hey there,
Where did you pick up the Mendocino Oktoberfest locally? My wife and I love most things Mendocino and I’d love to try the Oktober..
2 Blog Master G // Oct 6, 2007 at 1:57 pm
Hi Ben-
It’s brewed right here in Saratoga at our very own brewery! You can see where it is on Google Maps.
And here’s their Web site.
They’re the Northeast contract brewer for Mendocino, and distribute to most of the Northeast. They also brew Kingfisher, found at most Indian restaurants.
Their tasting room, where you pay $4 for 2 pint-sized “tastes” and get to keep the glass, is the best-kept secret in town. Fun place!
It’s where my 30th birthday party was.