Happy Standard Time, Dear Readers! I trust you all enjoyed the extra hour of sleep or leisure time this weekend. Even though it’s only an hour change, it felt like it threw off my internal clock more than that.

Lots happening lately, but today I blog about the October 20 Halloween party hosted by Alex and Cati in Albany. Some of you have already noticed the photos in my Flickr stream in my sidebar, so I thought I’d make it official. Last year we put the costume in the costume party at AleCat’s, so this year they decided to embrace the costume and challenged attendees to dress either like someone famous they’ve been told they resemble, or like a superhero.
If you’ve been keeping up with my bro’s hilarious new blog, you already know that my costume was a given for me: Nicolas Cage from Con Air. Mr. Cage — whom I actually met in person in San Francisco once upon a time in a magic shop (I at least said “hi” to him — does that count as meeting? — he looked pretty much like the character he plays in Con Air and was wearing a shirt that said Grandma) — is the only person anyone’s ever told me I look like. And there was a time when I would get that often. So my choice was obvious.
Though she could’ve also passed as Ashley Judd or Trinity, Jen opted for Rogue from the X-Men, complete with black cape and homemade “X” belt, which was a hit of the party.
Before hitting the actual party, we had to show off our costumes in town — especially funny given that it was a full 11 days prior to Halloween — so we met up with our partners in crime, Celine Dion and George Michael (also known as Jami and Hugh), and posed for a photo among confused lookers on at Wheatfields.
Our hosts were Dirk Nowitzki from the Dallas Mavericks and Elaine from Seinfeld (Cati even did the dance), and I’d say they pulled it off pretty well:

This was the only official Halloween party we attended this year. Last year, along with Alex and Cati’s party, we also hit parties at Hugh and Jami’s, and Karen and Joti’s.
View more photos above, in Pictobrowser, or on Flickr
Finally, if you haven’t already done so, be sure to read my bro’s Halloween post about his night out with his dick in a box (inspired, of course, by the SNL skit of the same title).