Thursday night Sarah and Eric hosted Wine Club #4 at their awesome new house, right here in Saratoga Springs. The theme: “Bring Out the Animal in You.”

From Brian’s Goats do Roam to the boxed people’s choice, Thirsty Lizard (which didn’t quite fit in my pocket), to mine and Jen’s Sarah’s Blend (featuring the so not mythical Roogle — half bald eagle, half kangaroo creature — I saw one the other day), to Anne and Tom’s winning wine of the evening, Fat Cat, the animal was definitely in the house and helped to unleash a rockin’ good time with delicious food, including Eric’s pumpkin pie. Jen even brought the alcohol-removed Fre merlot, which was oddly a big hit that evening, too. And Bodie kept an eye on the snacks for us.

We welcomed a new wine club member, Annette, from Albany (ahem, Alex and Cati… she even lives near you… what’s your excuse now? 🙂 ).
Oh, and Steve- your royalty check’s in the mail for this photo.
Thanks to Sarah and Eric for hosting a great Wine Club event!
View more photos above, in Pictobrowser, or on Flickr
See also:
Finally, how funny is my bro? Phrases like this make me laugh out loud: “not even Wednesday is immune to being dominated.”
7 responses so far ↓
1 Alex // Nov 18, 2007 at 12:11 am
We have AA meetings every first and third Thursday night, and we enter Nacho in dog-fights every second and fourth Thursday night (pee-wee league). On the occasion that a month has five Thursdays, we play Bible Trivia that night.
That’s our excuses…
2 Blog Master G // Nov 18, 2007 at 1:17 pm
No wonder Nacho’s such a badass! Maybe next time we’ll shoot for the 6th Thursday of the month.
3 Megan // Nov 20, 2007 at 11:54 pm
Yay wine clubs! I am extremely impressed that Fre made it to your party that night, and I have two comments on it…
1) Thank you for supporting my company
2) Is there a secret reason Jen brought Fre? 🙂
4 jen a. // Nov 21, 2007 at 7:05 pm
megan! as long as you (and several other astute blogmaster g readers) have asked… now is as good a time as any to let all of our friends and family know that i’m expecting…………all A’s in my master’s program this semester!! in order to accomplish this, i have hung up my wine glass and have gone into temporary drinking retirement until at least the second week of dec., when i simultaneously hand in my last term paper and turn another year older. after that, i will be leapin’ off that wagon and into a vat of my long, lost friend: sweet vino. tune in here to see photo documentation of my return to debauchery!!
ps: i love that Fre! who knew i would pay $8 for fancy grape juice, but my goodness, that is so tasty!
5 Alex // Nov 26, 2007 at 10:31 am
HOLY !@#$%. I read, “I’m expecting…” and nearly jumped! I made “shocked-face” and everything (think the Home Alone movie poster).
That was good. You got me.
6 Megan // Nov 30, 2007 at 10:23 pm
Holy hell! I did the same thing as Alex…..almost fell outta my chair at “i’m expecting…” Congrats on all A’s – that’s kick ass!!! Yay to A’s! Yay to Fre! Yay to being able to give up fine wine for more than a few days!
7 Wine Club #5 // Mar 13, 2008 at 7:25 am
[…] last meeting of the Saratoga Wine Club was in November, so we were overdue. Sarah and Eric stepped up to the plate to host their second consecutive […]