Growing up, my Dad always sported a mustache. To date, his sons have never followed him down the path of the upper lip hair.
Until today.
Last night my bro challenged me via text message to a moustache-growing contest. Despite my hesitation, tonight I accepted his challenge. I thought, why the hell not? If my Dad could sport the ‘stache most of my life, why can’t I for a couple weeks?

The contest runs today through New Year’s Day, and you can follow the action here on BMG as well as on Hegemony.
Though we’re 3,000 miles apart, let the brotherly bonding through cyberspace and upper lip hair begin!
Vanity Fair recently published a story on Hitler’s Toothbrush mustache, which I won’t be growing.
4 responses so far ↓
1 Your Bro // Dec 18, 2007 at 12:28 am
im gonna make your mustache my mustaches bitch. my mustache is gonna put a gag-ball in your mustaches mouth, and ride him around the room bareback. im gonna win by mustache tko.
your mustaches worse nightmare
2 Johnny // Dec 18, 2007 at 11:36 am
I’m excited to hear that you are joining the ranks of the facially woolen! I, as you well know, love to grow out my beard during the winter months! Maybe you will recall a spell back in SF where i had my porno-stache, which was not recevied as well as it deserved. Even in HS, I had the epitome of the cheesy mustache!
Be brave, watch lots of Reno 911!, and enjoy the rush of the testosterone as it surges across your upper lip!
Happy growing, Gabe!
3 Andrew Eitingon // Dec 18, 2007 at 12:53 pm
There was always something missing from the LFT look and now I see that it was upper lip facial hair.
4 E. dawg // Dec 19, 2007 at 10:46 pm
You guys are blowing my mind with the ‘stache contest. If I may, just a friendly word of warning: don’t go so far down the rocky path to hirsute power that you can’t return. It’s a treacherous journey which I myself took during the years of 1994-2006. I barely got out of the experience alive; the way was fraught with self-delusion and denial: I told myself, “It’s just to keep my face warm for the winter,” “I’ll keep it year-round for the ladies,” and finally, “I need it…My ‘stache is the wellspring of all my strength.”
Proceed with caution, gentlemen.