Greetings, moustache fans. Pete may have drawn strength from the mystique that is Chalmers and the wonderment that is Chase in Day 3, but tonight I come to you having channeled the power of my ’70s namesake, Gabe Kaplan — the power of the ’70s lives dormant within this older brother’s soul (sidenote: here’s a great blog entry of Megan sporting a ‘stache in honor of her dad).
For those of you not alive in the ’70s (hey, I was, but barely — that counts), there was a show called Welcome Back, Kotter. And its star, a magical moustache sporter whose power we must honor today.
So without further ado, here is the before:

And here, the after:

Recognize those clowns?
Tonight in Saratoga, my Day 4 moustache was seen about town — first at the Saratoga Chamber’s annual holiday mixer, then at Max London’s new bar & restaurant (its bakery originator, Mrs. London’s, was recently featured in USA Today), and finally at 9 Maple, where Sarah, Justin, then later Jen, and I tore up the town. The locals were excited to see the new ‘stache legend out on the town (a first since this competition began).

Oh yes, and here is Peter’s Day 3 entry:

You’re up, Pete. Bring it!
1 response so far ↓
1 Your Bro // Dec 21, 2007 at 12:20 am
behind every great mustache, is a mustachioed woman. youre a team player jen. keep up the good work.