Yesterday I skied only my 2nd day of the season (since January at Gore), and it was pretty awesome. Amy and I braved the chilly 18 degrees at Stratton, which was my first time there, unless we had a Vassar Ski Team race there that I can’t recall.

It was cold most of the morning and the Vermont wind pierced right through my running hat — great for running since it breathes and absorbs sweat nicely, but not so great for skiing, I realized. The temperature eventually warmed up to 34 degrees and the sun shone, making for some awesome afternoon runs with the sun at our backs (fun for watching your form in your shadow right in front of you).
I forgot my actual camera (the horror!), but managed to snap a couple photos with my phone before the battery died (phone was stuck in roaming mode all day, which drains the battery). It’s so beautiful in the Green Mountains of Vermont.

For the first time in as long as I can remember, my legs actually didn’t hurt after skiing (though my quads were starting to feel it toward the end of the day), thanks to all this crazy running I’ve been doing. Ironically, the only sore part of me today is my left wrist since I have a tendency to pole plant and drag my poles when I turn… or at least that’s my theory.
It’s another beautiful day here in Saratoga Springs today… good day for a run!
1 response so far ↓
1 E.dawg // Feb 28, 2008 at 3:48 pm
Awesome possum! I love Stratton. Looks like you guys had fun 🙂