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100 Miles with Nike+

Wednesday, March 12th, 2008 · 2 Comments

We partied all weekend (more updates soon) and I ran 8 miles on Sunday. Then I ran 3 more miles with Happy Dingo on Monday. Then, with yesterday’s 6.61-mile run, I reached almost exactly 100 logged miles (100.33) on my Nike+ site. I earned this cool little 100-mile certificate:

100 Miles with Nike+

That brings my total training mileage since December 26 to 170.13:

170.13 miles

The other cool thing I discovered in the last mile or so of my run yesterday — after struggling and having some leg pain — is a new technique that seems to require less effort and helps me run faster (akin to the first time I skied on shaped skis). It may sound obvious, but I realized that I hadn’t been pushing off my toes — leveraging the full length of my foot. As a sprinter, I had been accustomed to running solely on my toes. Then when I started running more than a mile, I switched to landing on my heels. So I think I went from one extreme to the other and had been running somewhat flat-footed with my heel strikes. I’m looking forward to making the most of my stride in the next 100 miles and beyond!

And although I’ll likely be taking a day off running today to rest, today ends the first miles challenge with my coworkers, which started with just Dave, then Magnus and Robert joined later. With 96.32 miles in the challenge, my win is looking secure, with Dave and Magnus battling it out for 2nd:

Tags: running

2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 200.53 Total Miles // Mar 19, 2008 at 8:20 am

    […] — imagine that! The new technique was an evolving work, and I recently mentioned the pushing off the heel method. However, as it turns out, that was more of a sprint-kick method (”bouncy,” as fellow […]

  • 2 Nike+ 500-Mile Club // Jun 18, 2008 at 9:53 pm

    […] was just over 3 months ago when I hit the Nike+ 100-mile mark. so that’s kind of crazy, right? That I’ve run 400 miles in about 3 months? Never […]