I got new shoes about two-and-a-half weeks ago — the Saucony ProGrid Guide Road-Running Shoes.

They felt pretty good at first — lighter and tighter than my Asics. Only problem was they were a little too tight, and I didn’t really break them in properly. I only did two short runs — 8 miles then 6 miles — before I did the 20-miler in the Sauconys. And that’s about when the foot pain on the top of my right foot began. And it hasn’t really subsided since.
So I’ve been soaking my feet in ice water. On Sunday, after Saturday’s 12-miler, I leveraged the ice bucket to keep my beer cold:

Thanks to Jen and Tom for fashioning the awesome straw system for me (unfortunately, it didn’t really work as planned, but it was the thought that counts).
I also switched back to my Asics yesterday and today, and have decided that if I want this pain to go away before I run the marathon, that’s what I’m going to have to do — as well as run the marathon in my old running shoes (which still have less than 400 miles on them, so they should be fine).
1 response so far ↓
1 sarah // May 21, 2008 at 12:01 pm
My teammate runs in Saucony – after the 20 miler the bottoms of her feet were black & blue. She took them to our foot/shoe experts. They hooked them up to fancy machines and said the shoes don’t even register. Apparently they have much softer soles than most shoes and break down faster. I think I’ll stick w/ my Brooks. I love Asics but the stitching on the sides give me blisters. Good luck – keep icing.