Damn, has it really been 17 days since my marathon and 13 days since I posted the entry about it? Time flies. And I’ve been riding the marathon high ever since.

View more San Diego photos above or on Flickr
So the part of the story I haven’t told is how awesome the entire marathon weekend was. It wasn’t just this huge, momentous event. It was an action-packed weekend with family and friends in California.
Highlights of my rockin’ CA weekend include:
Southern California
- Walking on the pier in San Diego and taking in the ocean air and sunset
- Sailing in San Diego with Jen, Alex, Lars, and Adriana (sunbathing seals!)
- Enjoying pre-marathon Mexican food with Jen
- Spending time before and after the marathon with my Mom
- Having dinner with colleagues (Blue Point Coastal Cuisine)
- Eating lunch with Jen and my Mom at Gordon Biersch

View more San Francisco photos above or on Flickr
Northern California
- Eating giant and delicious Juan’s burritos with Pete, Enoch, and Mark (and Enoch’s dog puking story)
- Hanging out on the roof of E’s pad on Treasure Island
- Seeing the Giants destroy the Mets at AT&T Park in San Francisco with my Dad, Pete, and Mark the day after the marathon
- Rockin’ out with Ben at his place, and breakfast @ Chow in the Castro
- Getting to see Pete’s rockin’ new place in Sactown
- Enjoying happy hour with Pete, Shannon, and Mike in Sac
- Chillin’ the night away with James at Pete’s pad

View more Sacramento photos above or on Flickr
Pete’s recap is hilarious, as always.
It was tons of fun hangin’ with my parents, my bro, and the CA posse. Miss you all very much, and can’t wait for the next time!
You can also view the full California 2008: Trip II collection on Flickr, which includes all of the above, as well as my marathon action photos.
1 response so far ↓
1 CA Trip: Marathon Edition Part II // Dec 21, 2008 at 2:45 pm
[…] like mine and Jen’s last trip to California in June, our last trip a couple weeks ago (my third to CA this year) was inspired by the marathon, but was, […]