Tonight I ran a hard and fast interval workout with the Saratoga Stryders in the Spa State Park. We did roughly 8/10ths of a mile five times — fast. It’s a big and fast group of local runners. And everyone’s really nice. Last Wednesday was my first workout with the group, and the Saturday before was my first recreational run with the club.
I came home, hooked up my iPod, and was greeted by an exciting Nike+ milestone — the 500-mile club:

It was just over 3 months ago when I hit the Nike+ 100-mile mark. so that’s kind of crazy, right? That I’ve run 400 miles in about 3 months? Never in my life did I think I’d be running more than 100 miles per month.
Of course, my official mileage, which includes my pre-Nike+ days, surpassed the 500-mile mark even before the marathon.
Still, I’m proud to be a member of the Nike+ 500-mile club! And yeah, I think I’m going to have to order one of those t-shirts.
Next stop: 1,000 miles. And if I keep it up, I should be on track to hit that milestone before the year’s end.
2 responses so far ↓
1 Pietro // Jun 19, 2008 at 12:07 am
brother– im petrified, mortified, stupified… by your running. please stop running 100 miles a month. you make me feel like a deadbeat. thanks.
2 Blog Master G // Jun 19, 2008 at 8:53 am
Ha! Actually, bro- make that 100+ per month!
I clocked in 129 in March, 135 in April, 109 in May (I know, I was slacking), and 64 so far this month (41% of which came from 1 run: the marathon!).
If we’re going to kick ass in the December marathon and qualify for Boston, we’ve gotta step it up. Pronto! 🙂