This year’s contest is off to a considerably slower start than last year’s — at least where the blog smack talkin’ is concerned. First, Pete posted his contest intro post with promises of an afternoon shave. But where’s the documentation, bro? Is this a violation already? Where’s the official ABMGC 2008 rule book? Even if I do love your mental imagery of removing the “lip-lettuce from (my) facial pasture,” it’s time to step it up with the photo documentation. Next, it’s already day 4 and neither of us has posted an update… until now:

Look at that majestic new ‘stache just begging to be released into all its glory (not to mention my mad iPhone self-portrait skills).
Lest I neglect to mention his entry, El Peacho himself has joined the contest and is already predicting a 3rd place finish… for himself. Welcome to the action, El Peacho! Bring on your peach fuzz.
To the victor goes the spoils: All the ladies who will follow in the wake that our mighty ‘staches shall craft in ’08! I know my wife, for one, couldn’t be more thrilled for the return of this contest.
Now about my competition… where are you guys?? Let’s see some photos! Our fans eagerly await.
3 responses so far ↓
1 Peter "The 'Stachioed Stallion" Anderson // Nov 11, 2008 at 12:18 pm
As I told El Peacho, I’m gonna use your ‘stache as toilet paper.
2 Jane // Nov 11, 2008 at 9:10 pm
I’m sorry, is there supposed to be hair there?
3 Blog Master G // Nov 11, 2008 at 9:13 pm
Slow and steady wins the race. 🙂