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It’s Like Running in a Hot Tub

Friday, August 21st, 2009 · No Comments

I just returned from a sobbing wet 9-mile training run, which included 8×100-meter intervals at the Saratoga Springs High School track. While doing my intervals — with just a slow 100-meter recovery jog in between each one — I was trying to think of a good analogy of what it’s like to run in weather this humid: 76 degrees with 95% humidity — and I left the house just after 7am.


My first thought was: It’s like running in a sauna. Nah. Too dry. Swimming pool? Nope. Too refreshing. Then it hit me: It’s like trying to play football — or soccer, or basketball, or tennis — in a freakin’ jacuzzi. With your clothes on.

Yup, that’s about right.

My run this morning was crazily consistent with my last 9-miler on Wednesday: Without even trying, both clocked in at precisely 1:15:35 (average pace 8:24).

This morning’s intervals were around 19 seconds each. And I finished with a strong 7:36 mile, including goal marathon pace of 7:15 in the last half+.

Tomorrow: 5-mile recovery run. Sunday: 13 miles.

A little more than 6 weeks to the next marathon!

Tags: running