Blog Master G

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On the Fifth Day of ’Stachemas

Wednesday, December 14th, 2011 · 2 Comments

The sappy bastard that he is, the ’Stachemas Dove was feeling nostalgic today. He arrived in my kitchen, scooped me under his wing, and took me for a wild ride down memory lane, all Ghost of Christmas Past style. As we flew through the ether, the ’Stachemas Dove sang out in melodic cheer:

On the fifth day of ‘Stachemas

The ‘Stache Dove sent to me…

Five years of ABMGC.

Four bearded Jesuses.

Three ‘stachey stockings.

Two mutts a-muzzying.

And a sweet little ‘stache-fan-to-be.










Oh, and for the record, Pete’s masquerading lately as some mustachioed Christmas lumberjack, who clearly stands no chance against the power instilled in me by the ’Stachemas Dove:

Tags: abmgc 2011

2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Bro Bro // Dec 14, 2011 at 10:26 am

    I’ve felled trees with more girth AND more bristles than your pre-pubescent ‘stache! Great trip down ‘stachey lane though.

  • 2 Blog Master G // Dec 14, 2011 at 10:32 am

    Ha! ‘Stachey Lane is a glorious place where only the strong can live.