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No Coincidence

Thursday, May 27th, 2004 · No Comments

Just as public support for Bush’s action in Iraq hits an all-time low, there’s this big announcement about a terrorist strike in America this summer. Political weapon? I wonder if the terror alert will suddenly rise to red around late October, early November.

Al Qaeda prepared to strike ‘hard’ at U.S., officials warn / ANALYSIS: Skeptics wonder whether politics motivated warnings:

    Washington — Attorney General John Ashcroft’s solemn announcement that al Qaeda planned to attack America in the next few months seemed to provoke as much skepticism as fear Wednesday, raising doubts as to whether any terror warnings will be taken seriously in the heat of an election campaign.

    “I find it at a minimum very suspicious that we are now going to be listening to a new, heightened awareness … of terrorists, conveniently timed to when we see the president’s approval ratings plummet,” Harold Schaitberger, president of the International Association of Fire Fighters, said during a conference call with reporters arranged by the campaign of Sen. John Kerry, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.

(Thanks, Glenn, for the link.)

Tags: politics