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VP Debate

Wednesday, October 6th, 2004 · 2 Comments

Despite what Cheney may think, last night on the debate floor was not the first he had met Edwards: “Vice President Dick Cheney said Tuesday night that the debate with Democratic Sen. John Edwards marked the first time they had met. In fact, the two had met at least three times previously.

“Cheney made the remark while accusing Edwards of frequent absences from Senate votes.”

Do we really want someone in office who can’t remember anything? Either that, or lies. Oh wait! He’s a politician. That’s what they do. Isn’t politics dirty? Nothing is off-limits (Edwards bringing up Cheney’s family and gay daughter; Kerry using Bush, Sr.’s own words against Bush, Jr.).

And don’t these guys at least want to give each other the decency of a handshake, no matter how much each hates the other?

Despite having the debate on the TV, I wasn’t able to watch it as closely as I would have liked (but Dan did), since we’re still hard-charging on the book production… tonight we put on the finishing touches.

Tags: politics

2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Mere Sketches // Oct 6, 2004 at 9:45 am

    Dick Cheney is A Frickin’ Liar

    I’m shocked. Dick Cheney has never lied about anything before, has he? (via Kos)….

  • 2 Politics // Oct 12, 2004 at 10:39 pm

    Edwards “Spinning” From Cheney’s Knock-Out

    Source: It was probably one of the most brutally honest statements made in the campaign thus far. Cheney accused Edwards last evening of essentially never being around to sponsor or vote on legislation: “Senator, frankly, you have a…