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Famous to My Readers

Wednesday, December 15th, 2004 · 1 Comment

I’m flattered. Not only has Dan put me side by side with Tom Tomorrow, but he’s referred to me as “famous to (my) readers.” This is the second time I’ve been accused of such a thing in a public forum (that I know of).

I read Dan’s post today, the same day that Jonty IM’d me the following:

(10:29:13) jyamisha: ya know… i’m not one to criticize, but i’ve noticed this week that your posts to your blog aren’t there first thing in the morning like they used to….
(10:29:17) jyamisha: you’re letting me down, man
(10:29:20) jyamisha: i need my daily fix!

I also happened to come across this accusation from Alan, who calls me “author of the best liberal blog on the net.” A new tag line?

Here I’m called “an experienced consumer.” Yeah, baby.

And Megan, oh Megan. You’re often as guilty as the others in telling me how much you enjoy reading my blog.

This is starting to go to my head, Dear Readers. But please, don’t stop. I love the love.

Tags: blogging

1 response so far ↓

  • 1 megan // Dec 15, 2004 at 6:35 pm

    What can I say, Gabe…it’s part of my routine 🙂