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Mouse Invasion

Thursday, May 5th, 2005 · 2 Comments

After the last mouse snuck into our house a couple weeks ago, we thought it was cute — a one-time thing. (Previously, we had battled a mouse problem in the pantry.) Since then, it’s become more of a problem.

We looked the other way when I was down in the basement about a week ago going through a tub of dog stuff and found that another mouse had been nesting in the bottom of it; we emptied the tub and let the mouse free. Apparently the two mice we’ve freed have taken our kindness for granted, told their friends, or both.

Yesterday we found mouse droppings in the kitchen. This morning we found some scattered about our stove and even inside the broiler — our 1948 Chambers B Model has a top-loading broiler (its big flame is always fun at parties) — since we made some garlic bread in it last night.

That was the final straw.

These animal-loving, big-hearted, mouse-freeing, liberal vegetarians have had enough. Tonight we buy and set traps. No mouse messes with our eating and food preparation areas. We’re serious about our food.

It’s on.

Blast rattles British consulate in US

Tags: anecdotes

2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Xose // May 5, 2005 at 9:32 am

    Okay, I used to work at Pest Management magazine, so I’ve got some tips for you.

    The good news: mice aren’t as difficult to eradicate as some other common household pests, like roaches and ants.

    #1 (and nothing else you do will have any effect unless you do this) Get rid of all non-sealed dog food in the house. Either TIGHTLY seal it in a giant, heavy-duty bin or store it outside in the shed, or preferrably, both. It’s not cold outside.The mice aren’t coming in for shelter, they’re coming in to manga. The mice are there for the mega gorgefest on dog food. Your kitchen stuff is just the icing on the Alpo cake, so to speak. (Also, don’t let dog food set in the bowl unattended.)

    #2 Set traps in corners, along walls, and even set some vertical traps (tack them to the beam) wherever you’ve seen any mouse signs (scratches, oily areas, droppings). Mice travel along walls where they feel protected.

    #3 Use peanut butter as bait on traps. The mice can steal hard items without springing the trap.

    #4 Go nuclear NOW. Mice reproduce at an amazing rate, and it sounds like you might have a significant population already. Buy LOTS of traps and keep using them until no dead mice are found for at least a month.

    #5 Seal any holes to the outside with wire and plaster or silicone. This will help to keep any other infestations at Bay. For now, it won’t help, though, because the little buggers are already in the house and living in the wall voids.

  • 2 sarah // May 5, 2005 at 3:05 pm

    I want your stove. lust lust lust. Can I play with it in June?