Calling all photographers across the globe! My good friend Tiffany in San Francisco needs your help! She’s working on a project for her MFA thesis that aims to capture the essence of humanity through photography.
You can learn more on her new Web site, Only Human Exhibit, and you can submit your photos online, too.
So get your camera ready and place your artistic eye alongside that of your colleagues from around the world for this very worthwhle project about the human condition and combatting stereotypes.
What does it mean to be human?
Hello All:
It’s Tiffany here taking a few minutes to climb out from under my piles
of sketchbooks and Epson paper scraps to take a breath…and, while I
am at it, to ask you all for help.
As some of you know, I am starting my thesis work for my MFA in Graphic
Design. The project I have chosen requires that I reach out to as many
parts of the globe as possible, so I am counting on all of my worldly
friends and family (that’s you) to send this website (below) around the
world and back.
In short, my project is a photographic exhibition, called ONLY HUMAN,
which addresses the things all us humans share despite our cultural
differences. It is about creating a sense of a common human heritage
and recognizing the unity that exists within our diversity. That being
said, I am sending out a international call for photographic
submissions that respond to the question “what does it mean to be
human?” Anyone is welcome to participate (as long as you follow the
submission guidelines…see website), but what I really need, is help
with getting submissions from around the world, so as to give this
project the global voice it needs. So please spread words of
encouragement and the link below to all your photographer friends, both
national and international.
The website has more details on the project and the submission
process…versions of the site in Spanish, French, Mandarin, Japanese
and Arabic are in the works. Oh, and did I mention, people can submit
their work online through the website.
Thanks to all who have helped me so far: Miguel, Gordon, Monica, Mark,
Nicole, Brody, Phil, Michael K., Fabrice.
Ready, set, spread the word!
Tiffany Ricardo