My wife is an Internet rock star and I didn’t even know it. Those of us who have been involved in this Web thing for a long time no doubt know about the Wayback Machine, a very cool site that archives the Web as it evolves. For example, do a search for and you’ll see search results for the site from 1996, when the archive began, through present day. Click on the from October 1, 1999 and you’ll see how it looked at that moment (I also have that version archived here). Similarly, you can see what all your favorite sites like Google or Yahoo looked like in their early days on the Web.
So for those of us who love the Internet and love to archive things, the Wayback Machine is a very cool thing.
What’s even cooler, as I learned last night, is that you can find my wife’s name right smack on the home page of the Contributors section of the Wayback Machine. Back when she was my girlfriend and working at Amazon subsidiary Alexa, Jennifer Deane was helping to archive the Web. How cool is that? Her coolness factor just increased. Our good friend Johnny is also included on the list of Wayback Machine Contributors. Yakalike, via LifeHacker.