You gotta love PCs. A completely rebuilt PC suddenly starts spawning new and unexplained problems. This week it’s this WebDriveHidden window that launches in the upper left-hand corner of my right monitor. It looks like this:
Since this is one of those rare things that doesn’t yield a single Google result in a search for WebDriveHidden, I thought I’d better document it for the record and shared world knowledge.
It’s not something that happened before I rebuilt my PC, so I knew it had to be related to a new application I wasn’t using prior to the rebuild. Although the window name isn’t an exact match, it seems the culprit was NetDrive, which “allows you to map a drive on your workstation and, via the internet, connect to a folder on Novell, Windows or Linux server.” I just uninstalled NetDrive, rebooted, and no more WebDriveHidden window. Too bad, because NetDrive worked very smoothly and my plan was to combine it with SyncBack to automatically backup not only my local data, but my Web site data, too, as someone had suggested in this post on Lifehacker.
If anyone else happens to encounter the annoying WebDriveHidden window and has a solution for it besides uninstalling NetDrive, please let me know.