This global warming thing is getting crazy now. Here it is January 6 in the Northeast and it’s 61 degrees and sunny today. What the hell? It snowed once a few days ago, but the snow had all melted by the next day. My grass is still as green as it was in October when I thought a long, snowy winter was just around the corner.
Maybe it’s just unseasonably warm, but spring-like conditions in January? At least we’re making the most of it, and our heating bill will be low. I actually turned off the heater this morning, and Jen opened a bunch of windows.
And since I haven’t been able to go skiing (yet), I’ve gone rollerblading around the neighborhood and have done some laps at the local rec field the past couple days. Today will be Day 3 of that workout regime.

2 responses so far ↓
1 Dan // Jan 7, 2007 at 10:20 am
Yesterday was great! And today isn’t so bad either. I ate both breakfast and lunch yesterday on my outside balcony – I didn’t take my outide furniture off b/c I really had no place to store it and hey…good thing. Well you’re better than me b/c I didn’t get any exercize done – but I sure enjoyed the day. Take care.
2 0 Degrees | Blog Master G // Jan 26, 2007 at 8:35 am
[…] That’s a hell of a temperature swing in just 20 days. […]