Welcome to December! Time to blog about Thanksgiving 2007. Hey, so I’m a slacker, but it’s important to give thanks.
With Jen’s delicious homemade pumpkin pies and pumpkin spiced cookies in hand, we joined Jen’s extended family at Aunt Carolyn and Uncle Ron’s place near Poughkeepsie (in Hyde Park) for Thanksgiving (November 22) this year (we hosted last year).
As has always been tradition in my family, I’m pleased to say that finally this year, I think I inspired the round of giving thanks at the table in Jen’s family, too. Everyone but me gave thanks for a single thing (family, friends, turkey, and the like). I declared proudly that I was (and still am) thankful for all off the following:
- My wife
- My family
- My friends
- My good health
- My good job
You see, a few years ago at Thanksgiving, I made all Jen’s cousins look bad when her aunts heard me lean over to Jen and tell her I was thankful for her. All her cousins gave me a hard time then, and it continues to this day. This year they said, “Come on, Gabe! You’ve been married what? 4 years now? You don’t have to kiss ass anymore! You’re one of us now.” Little do they know that Blog Master G Oozes Positivity.

Thanksgiving night and back at home, Justin joined us for an impromptu game night. Justin smoked us in Scrabble (“squeaker” gave him two triple words plus a 50-point bonus); Jen destroyed us in the visual matching game Set; and Jen showed her capitalist side cleaning house in Monopoly. I don’t like losing. Next time, I’m going for blood, people.
Happy Thanksgiving, one and all! I am truly fortunate to have all of you in my life. I missed my family at Thanksgiving, as I do each day, but I know we were all partying together in spirit.
2 responses so far ↓
1 Dave // Dec 5, 2007 at 12:10 am
You know, Gabe, if Jen played as Jesus, she certainly received an unfair (although ironic) advantage. 🙂
2 jen a. // Dec 5, 2007 at 10:12 pm
why yes: jesus WAS on my team– and i’m sure the only reason i won monopoly for the first time in my entire life!
thanks for the wee jesus, james and melissa – that was truly a gift that keeps on giving. now to turn that sweet trans am hot wheels car into the real deal….