As loyal readers know, yesterday marked the start of the ABMGC 2007. Today is officially only Day 2 of the challenge, and already we have a new contender from the outside.
So I was talking to my Mom today about the challenge, and she reminded me that this would not be the first time her sons would go neck and neck — err, upper lip to upper lip — in a moustache growing contest. Nay, back in the early ’80s her sons sported moustache pride.
Sure enough, to the basement I went and what did I find? Evidence of my bro and me in the original ABMGC — 1980s style!

Fast-forward to 2007. After a night of delicious enchiladas at Ken and Rachel’s house, here is the state of my ‘stache on Day 2:
Note the new element brought to the table: LFT. Andrew, we like your suggestion, and have modified the rules accordingly. Now we shall hearken back to the LFT days of yore.
3 responses so far ↓
1 Your Bro // Dec 19, 2007 at 12:40 am
wow. im speechless. im in over my head.
2 Alex // Dec 19, 2007 at 11:40 am
So, what are the criteria for the “winner?” Are there different categories?
If there is a “thin and pathetic moustache that belongs on a mouth-breathing 15-year-old Dairy Queen employee” catergory, I’d win this competition, easy.
It wouldn’t even be close, punks.
3 Megan // Dec 19, 2007 at 3:59 pm
Your contest is absolutely hilarious – I’m on the edge of my seat! Like I said to your brother… you could take this to the next yet powerful step and enter this http://www.worldbeardchampionships.com/ but if you don’t get that far, this website is always fun: http://www.mustachecontest.com/second/html/homepage.html . You guys rock….cheers to your ‘staches.