As I did last year around now, it’s time to post and review the annual site stats. January 2005 set a new unique traffic record, bringing 24,882 unique visitors, 39,242 visits, 103,725 pages served, 347,365 hits, and 5.64 GB of bandwidth (though only unique visits were highest that month). Overall, saw an increase of 45,697 unique visitors in 2005, with 243,228 people stopping by (a 23% increase over 2004). Those visitors came by a total of 418,280 times, viewing 1,139,170 pages and 4,309,860 hits, consuming 71.83 GB of bandwidth.
The blog home page notwithstanding (81,632 views), the wedding category of the blog was the most popular page of the year, having been viewed 22,404 times. The most popular individual entries of 2005 were both technology-related: Airport Extreme & Linksys WRT54G (12,361 views) and Unix/Linux Find & Replace in Multiple Files (10,568 views). The third-place individual entry of the year (racy Halloween photos aside) was my October 2003 post on Golden Gate Bridge Jumpers, spurred in popularity in January 2005 by a San Francisco Chronicle story on Eric Steel’s suicide documentary (I also attribute the record traffic in January to this topic, and the fact that Mr. Steel himself commented on that post).
The top search terms leading to my blog were “adrianne curry,” “chicks,” “gas prices,” and “kinky.” Gotta love the “wedding porn” search, too (leading here).
Here’s to the start of my 7th calendar year of blogging!